Welcome to the Harmony Hotel

The Harmony Hotel 1

har·mo·ny n. pl. har·mo·nies

The Harmony Hotel Facts and Figures 1. Agreement in feeling or opinion; accord: live in harmony.

2. A pleasing combination of elements in a whole:
color harmony; the order and harmony of the universe.

3. Music

a. The study of the structure, progression,
and relation of chords.

b. Simultaneous combination of notes in a chord.

c. The structure of a work or passage as considered from
the point of view of its choral characteristics and relationships.

d. A combination of sounds considered pleasing to the ear.

After reading the above, I wondered if The Harmony Hotel would live up to their name. I wondered if “everything” stated above would be experienced! Music? Structure? Chords? Sounds? Agreement in feeling? Where was I going?

Practically on Playa Nosara, a beautiful white sandy beach that is renown for those perfect surfing conditions. The Harmony Hotel is situated on the edge of a small coastal town called Nosara on the Nicoya peninsula. With direct access to the beach, Harmony is the Hotel I recommend to those that want everything in one place! Whether you come for wellness, yoga, surfing, nature, sunsets, great food, nifty drinks and sweet people, Harmony works!

The Harmony Hotel 2

The way the staff interacts with the guests creates the most relaxed atmosphere I have come across in a Hotel. It is almost like having an extended family during your stay. All of them speak impeccable English. All of them will remember your name after you have introduced yourself and all of them are ready to help you no matter what is asked of them. I felt at home the moment I was welcomed at reception! Harmony is a social Hotel, which in my opinion have selected their people very carefully. Free to interact they show guests around town or join them at the dinner table. It really is a place where people come to make new friends and most importantly learn from one another!

Looking at the above: Agreement in opinion: now let me think. I am happy to be here! Everyone else is happy to be here is too! Surf is good! Hotel is great! We all agree! Elements: Color? It’s all here! Great pool, beautiful gardens, the beach, wildlife, sunshine! Check!

3a. When I look around and see how the surrounding gardens consume Harmony’s different structures I can relate to this as well! Whether it be choral characteristics or relationships Harmony has these too! I have already checked numbers one and two. A B and C of number three but D is my favorite!

A combination of sounds pleasing to the ear. The way the rumbling ocean sifts away into the background of your thoughts as you lay in your hammock behind your bungalow. The birds sing their song from the trees that rustle to the breeze and the cicadas that fill the air with chords. Harmony is Harmony! And I have only scratched the surface!

The wellness center and yoga sessions are also popular with the local community creating a great flow of different faces throughout your time here at Harmony. People come for lunch, or catch up at the bar. It's like a social club that has rooms for rent. The food is divine with a great variety of flavors and the drinks are really something special!

Welcome to Harmony. I guarantee you a pleasant stay!.

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